2018 Caroline Walker Trust Lecture

Better care through improved nutrition
- Which? Head Office, 2 Marylebone Road, London NW1 4DF
- Tuesday, 9 October 2018
- 5pm to 7.45pm
- Dr Miranda Lomer – Reader in Dietetics at King’s College London and Senior Consultant Dietitian In Gastroenterology
- Professor Jane Murphy – Professor of Nutrition at Bournemouth University
- Dr Nicola Guess – Assistant Professor in Nutritional Science and Diabetes, Kings College London
- 17.00: Arrival, registration and drinks
- 17.40: Welcome by Shefalee Loth, Chair of The Caroline Walker Trust
- 17.50: Introduction by Professor Tim Lang, President of The Caroline Walker Trust
- 18.00: Dr Miranda Lomer – The long-term impact of the low-FODMAP diet for management of Irritable Bowel Disease
- 18.30: Professor Jane Murphy – Delivering person-centred nutrition and dementia: what are the key ingredients?
- 19.00: Dr Nicola Guess – The latest trends on dietary management of type 2 diabetes
- 19.30: Acknowledgment to Caroline Walker from Geoffrey Cannon, Co-author of The Food Scandal
19.45: Close
Presentations that were made at the lecture can be downloaded here:
Dr Miranda Lomer IBS CWT presentation
Professor Jane Murphy Dementia CWT presentation
Dr Nicola Guess Type 2 Diabetes CWT presentation